Andy Coetzee, ZS5CEY and Ronald Verweerdt, ZS6RVC, joined us today to reprogram our DMR repeater and radios. During the meeting, Andy presented us with an update on Brandmeister, the platform we are using now. It was a most interesting talk. It was followed by delicious lunch, supplied by the Lynwood Club kitchen.

The new fee structure for Amateur Radio licences has been announced, by ICASA. The fees for 2017 will come into effect from the 1st April and are as follows:
. 1 year licence R134.00
. 2 year licence R256.00
. 3 year licence R367.00
. 4 year licence R468.00
. 5 year licence R559.00
If paying for a multiple year licence, you have to inform ICASA in writing.
Warning: ICASA also warned that if licences are not paid by 31 March, your licence will lapse, and you will have to reapply for your licence, even if you pay only 1 day late!