Comrades 2018

Comrades 2018.  Some of our members, together with HARC members, helped Hamnet again with radio comms on the down run.  It was an early and cold start.  Willem ZS5WA did duty as the Pietermaritzburg JOC, later handing over to the Durban JOC in Moses Mabida stadium, where ZS5GD, ZS5WFD and ZS5LT were on station.  Both JOC stations handled the net professionally.  A big thank you to all who helped on the water tables along the route!

Peter, ZS5PL, chairman from HARC writes:
“To all the operators, helpers, wives, girlfriends and others who assisted with the radiocomms today. Very well done! Your efforts today were of the highest quality of professionalism and I’m very sure enhanced the respective reputations of the various clubs involved, both Amateur and non-Amateur. Most of you had a very long day and yet you coped with everything that was thrown at you, from scraped knees to potential coronary failure and everything in between. I monitored the Ham frequencies for most of the day and nobody lost their temper, became overly frustrated or bad-mouthed any other organisation or individual. Regardless of whatever club or organisation you belong to, you can all go to bed tonight and sleep well, knowing you were part of a magnificent effort. Three cheers to the lot of you!”

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