In spite of many apologies, we had a good turnout for our AGM, which was followed by a sumptuous club sponsored braai. A new committee was elected. There are two new committee members: ZS5DU and ZS5ANT
Read MoreZS5MAB organised a station at the Air Scout weekend, based at the Wartburg Kirchdorf High School. There is a lot of interest from the scouts. From the left, Des, ZS5DDM, ZS5MAB (that’s Mike, who organised the radio side of the event), Richard ZS5RB, Charlie, ZS5DU, and one other)
Read MoreOur monthly meeting was well attended. Koos handed out the Comrades paraphernalia (stickers, shirts etc) for the next weeks event. Charlie ZS5DU then showed showed us his antenna setup for us in apartments and in the field. It was interesting to see how he made his coils and fittings, and the presentation was most appreciated!
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